Fiera di Verona – Orario 8,00 – 18,0055? VERONA MINERAL SHOW 27-28-29 NOVEMBRE 2015 | GEO SHOP V.le del Lavoro 8, 37135 Verona Telefono: 045 8298410 DESCRIZIONE E DATE: Settori MerceologiciMinerali e fossili, malacologia, gemme, pietre dure, lavorati, libri, attrezzature, … Continue reading
P(ANSA) – Verona, April 16 – A gang of men near Verona are accused of trying to settle a dispute by throwing a man into a pigsty, forcing him to make animal noises under threat of a knife, and locking … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Verona, October 10 – The statue portraying the fictional female in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet play has been damaged by the affectionate gestures of tourists over the years rubbing their hands against the effigy located in a courtyard … Continue reading