Tag Archives: factor
Water stress a vital issue for mega-earthquakes
Scientists suggest a mechanism that explains how the most important earthquake ever occurred and the way greater than 50 years later one other massive earthquake in the identical area launched among the stress that had constructed up within the depth. … Continue reading
New study pinpoints stress factor of mega-earthquake off Japan
Graphic of the gravity data off Japan where the 2011 magnitude 9 earthquake occurred. Credit: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego researchers published new findings on the role geological rock formations offshore … Continue reading
new genetic risk for stroke factor
(ANSAmed) – Milan, 5 SEP-there is a genetic signal, until recently little unknown, strongly associated with the stroke of the great vessels. To show that there are results from a large international study, promoted by a group of Australian scientists, … Continue reading