IMG class=hide alt=”Padoan says clarification needed on bill payments” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-2265454c72779c5097914841938d09682.jpg” (See related) (ANSA) – Rome, February 25 – The process for making further payments on outstanding bills owed by the Italian government to business must be clarified, Italy’s new Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan said Tuesday. P”We will still have to clarify (the process),” he said, following promises Monday by Premier Matteo Renzi of further repayments for the billions of euros owed for goods and services the government received in the past./PPLast year, the Italian government of former premier Enrico Letta pledged to pay off 20 billion euros in outstanding debts in 2013 with another 20 billion to be repaid in 2014./PPOn Monday, Renzi said that paying all government bills owed to business to help revive the economy is “the first pledge” of his new administration./PPBusinesses mired in Italy’s worst postwar recession, only now coming to an end, have been complaining for years about the sluggishness of the public administration in paying them./P
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