IMG class=hide alt=”‘Gypsies banned’ sign at Rome bakery likened to Nazi Germany” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-f787116be8d5de15ea38840ede5415642.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 20 – A sign in a Rome bakery forbidding entry to “gypsies” triggered outrage and caused one rights group to complain that such discrimination was reminiscent of Nazi Germany. PThe Association 21 July, which represents the rights of Roma and Sinti communities in Italy, has written to President Giorgio Napolitano urging him to take action against the bakery in the Rome neighbourhood of Tuscolano that said gypsies were not welcome./PPGypsy is a slang name for Roma people./PPSuch discrimination was seen against “Jews in Nazi Germany” and blacks in “South Africa during apartheid,” said the group. It said the bakery management removed the sign after complaints from the association./PPBut with World Day Against Racism on Friday, Napolitano should express “deep concern about the level of conflict and hostility that exists towards the Roma community”./P
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