IMG class=hide alt=”Father of three girls slain by mother returns to Italy” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-da322e8397286d68d8fff0f51d2935fa.jpg” (ANSA) – Milan, March 10 – The father of three girls stabbed to death by their mother on Sunday has returned from native Albania to Lecco, the town in northern Italy where the family was living. PBaskim Dobrushi on Sunday night flew back from Tirana, where he had travelled on Friday, leaving behind his wife, from whom he was separating, and their daughters aged 13, 10 and four./PPCarabinieri police will question him on Monday./PPEdlira Dobrusci, 37, also an Albanian national, was arrested on Sunday for stabbing to death her girls./PPWhen police arrived at the scene of the crime, the woman confessed to killing her daughters Simona, Keisi and Sidny./PPShe was reportedly covered in blood and in a confused state and had to be sedated./PPStaff at a local hospital where she was taken for treatment said she had wounds to her neck and wrists which were possibly self-inflicted./PPHer husband had reportedly travelled to Albania to tell his family the couple was splitting./P
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