(ANSA) – L’Aquila, October 10 – Italy’s Civil Protection chief Franco Gabrielli on Thursday said, ”Italy is going to pieces” due to hydrogeological instability.
Speaking at the Water Festival in the city of l’Aquila, which was hit by a devastating earthquake in April 2009 that took 297 lives, Gabrielli warned that Italy ”can not let down its guard”.
”For me to return to L’Aquila is a (source of) satisfaction on the one hand but also pain on the other until this city returns, I won’t say to its former glory, but at least to the sparkle it deserves. For me it is still an open wound,” Gabrielli continued.
”We are facing a major economic crisis, but the subject of resources must worry us because we must never let down our guard,” Gabrielli added.
The festival at L’Acquila organized by the utilities group Federutility focused on the risk posed by instability of the soil and earthquakes.